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Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016

Pure Coconut Oil

Pure Coconut Oil

Truly pure coconut oil has proven to be a remarkably healthy substitute for hydrogenated oils. Rich in nutrients and cholesterol-neutral, coconut oil can help prevent everything from osteoporosis to cancer. With benefits this extraordinary, one might imagine that any coconut oil marked "pure" would provide these benefits.

As it happens, this is not always the case. The fact is, while all coconut oil is good for your health, the means by which it is produced can dramatically reduce the potency of its natural health benefits. And unfortunately, oil produced through processes that rob it of some of its nutrients can still technically be labeled as "pure."

Genuinely Pure Coconut Oil

The only way to be sure that you are buying genuinely pure coconut oil is to find oil that has been extracted from coconuts in the most natural way. That means that instead of using the bleaching and deodorizing that many manufacturers incorporate into the process, health-conscious consumers will accept only oil that has been cold-pressed and distilled by centrifuge. Oil produced any other way can lead to a significant reduction in its healthful applications.

If you know where to look, finding the most naturally produced oil is easier today than ever before. We encourage you to peruse our informational links and to do your own research. And then we encourage you not to settle for anything but the best.

Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

The phrase "organic virgin coconut oil" suggests to most consumers that they are getting only the finest, most naturally produced product available. Sadly, when it comes to coconut oil, that may or may not be true. In fact, the term "organic virgin coconut oil" is no more or less useful than the simpler designation "coconut oil."

Here's why: in the coconut oil industry the term "virgin" has no recognized meaning. Without an industry standard to meet in order to attain this designation, virtually anyone can use the word with impunity. While this may seem like a small issue, an understanding of the differences between coconut oils helps explain why this issue is in fact centrally important.

"Organic Virgin Coconut Oil" Can Be Made in Different Ways

All coconut oil is derived from coconuts in two steps: the extraction of milk from the coconut meat, and the distillation of water out of the milk. However, there are different ways of accomplishing these steps, many of which involve processes as unnatural and nutrient-draining as refining, bleaching, and deodorizing. In fact, the oil that you are most likely to find online or in stores has been subjected to all three.

So while you may believe that you are receiving the full health benefits of coconut oil, you may in fact be settling for a diluted facsimile. Only oil that has been cold-pressed and distilled by centrifuge can accurately claim to provide the fullest range of health benefits this remarkable oil can provide. We encourage you to explore our informational links, and then to make a choice that truly improves the health of yourself and your family.

Selasa, 30 Agustus 2016

Growrich Virgin Coconut Oil Capsule Means Cheating Yourself

Capsule Coconut Oil

With more people discovering the health benefits of coconut oil every year, the question of capsule coconut oil has come up with greater frequency. After all, for those who don't love the taste of coconut or don't cook regularly enough to incorporate a significant amount of coconut oil into their diets, this seems like a reasonable solution. And it would be, except for one key problem.

In theory, the notion of Capsule Coconut Oil makes perfect sense. After all, there is no reason that even the healthiest coconut oil, cold-pressed and distilled by centrifuge, cannot be put in capsule form. The problem is that in order to attain the full benefits of coconut oil, you need to use 3-3.5 tablespoons a day, and that would mean 40-45 capsules every day!

Capsule Coconut Oil Means Cheating Yourself

Unless you are willing to take that many capsules (and who would be?), you will find it nearly impossible to attain the true benefits of this remarkable substitute for hydrogenated oil. That means cheating yourself out of an organic product which can prevent infections, control diabetes, and reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Now that the best coconut oil has such a delicate taste, our experience is that health-conscious consumers are increasingly making the smart decision to use the oil in non-capsule form.

The fact is, Americans use hydrogenated oil in such massive amounts that finding ways to substitute non-hydrogenated coconut oil is not as hard as you might think. When the choice is between an oil which is likely to increase your cholesterol while decreasing your health and an oil that is cholesterol-neutral while increasing your health, that choice should be clear. Take the time to educate yourself, and then take steps to improve your well-being.

The Amazing Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil | coconutcreeklocksmith

Benefits Of Virgin Coconut Oil

Before understanding the benefits of virgin coconut oil, it is important to address the issue of what makes oil "virgin." When it comes to coconut oil, the sad fact is that "virgin" is a basically meaningless term for which there is no industry standard. As a result, you may find the word "virgin" attached to oil that has been refined, bleached, deodorized, and worse.

Fortunately, if you know where to look, you can find truly premium virgin coconut oil. The key is to find a distributor who separates the unnecessary water from the oil through cold pressing and centrifugal distillation. Only this procedure, which requires the absolute minimum amount of processing, allows the oil to maintain both its delicate flavor and the natural vitamins and antioxidants which provide its remarkable health benefits.

The Health Benefits Of Virgin Coconut Oil

The health benefits of virgin coconut oil are so profound that experts the world over have long touted it as the healthiest dietary oil in the world. Among many other benefits, it has been shown reduce the risk of cancer and other degenerative diseases. In addition, it has been shown to help prevent viral and bacterial infections of all stripes.

The days of hydrogenated oil are numbered. Savvy consumers who replace those oils in their daily diet with premium virgin coconut oil virtually never go back. We encourage you to stay ahead of the curve, and learn as much as you can about this remarkable substitute.

Senin, 29 Agustus 2016

11 Impressive Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Benefits Of Coconut Oil

For years, the health benefits of coconut oil have gone largely unrecognized. While an increasingly savvy public bemoans the necessity of using hydrogenated oils, a perfect solution has been in the offing all along. The benefits of coconut oil make it a perfect substitute for hydrogenated oils in day-to-day cooking and baking.

However, not all coconut oil is created equal. In order to properly extract the oil from fresh coconut meat, the water content must be all but removed. Fortunately, oil that is cold-pressed and distilled by centrifuge retains all of the delicate flavor and health benefits that this astonishing substitute can provide.

Experts have long considered coconut oil the healthiest dietary oil in the world, for its ability to promote good health and lower health risks. It has been shown to impact everything from reducing viral and bacterial infections to helping prevent osteoperosis. Its lauric acid so effectively provides key antimacrobial benefits that it is often added to infant formula.

With benefits this varied and imperative, it is astounding that more people have not been made aware of coconut oil's uses. Fortunately, if you know where to look, you can be on your way to a healthier, happier solution in no time. With the health of yourself and your family on the line, there's no reason to settle for less.
Benefits of Coconut OilFor years, health-conscious consumers have bemoaned the level of hydrogenated, polyunsaturated oils in their diets, all the while unaware that coconut oil can provide a perfect solution. Given the lack of accurate information about this undervalued organic product, it is no wonder that people have resigned themselves to cooking with vegetable oil and shortening for so long. Fortunately, however, the days of overprocessed, unhealthy oils are finally numbered.

Thanks to the valiant efforts of a handful of top suppliers and dealers, the remarkable health benefits of coconut oil have begun seeping into the public consciousness. Invariably, consumers who learn about this oil's wide array of benefits make the decision to switch away from vegetable oil and shortening, and never consider going back. With an oil substitute this healthy and affordable, there is simply no reason to consider returning to hydrogenated oils again.

The Health Benefits of Coconut Oil.

However, the health benefits of coconut oil extend far beyond its capacity to help people eliminate hydrogenated oils from their diet. Rather, this cholesterol-neutral oil has been shown to help prevent an astonishing array of serious diseases, from osteoporosis to cancer to HIV. No less impressive, when consumed daily, this oil has been shown to help prevent all manner of infection, including bacterial, viral, fungal and yeast infections.

In addition to its dramatic preventive capabilities, coconut oil also promotes strong, day-to-day health. For example, it has been shown to improve digestion and nutrient absorption, while increasing energy and helping promote weight loss. Its lauric acid has proven antimacrobial support so strong that it is often added to baby formula in an attempt to maximally emulate the health benefits of human milk.

Different Production Processes Lead to Different Results.

While the myriad benefits of coconut oil have become better recognized in recent years, the differences between oils has been largely ignored. This is unfortunate, as understanding this issue is critical to reaping the full benefits this organic oil can provide. While all oil is derived in two fundamental steps--extracting milk from coconut meat, and distilling the water content out of the milk--the different methods by which these steps can be accomplished has a major impact on the final product.

Sadly, the majority of this oil is produced using unnatural processes such as refining, bleaching, and deodorizing. These processes can reduce the vitamins, antioxidants and lauric acid which combine to provide the oil's remarkable health benefits in the first place. Fortunately, savvy consumers can find oil that has been cold-pressed and distilled by centrifuge (rather than by high heat, or worse), enabling them to retain the full benefits of the original oil.

Information You Can Count On.
The key to enjoying the full range of benefits that this oil provides is accurate, consistent information. While issues of chemical composition and production processes may seem at first blush to be minutiae, they could not be any more important. After all, when the short- and long-term health benefits of your family and yourself are at stake, taking the time to learn what you can is a small price to pay.

We encourage you to peruse our educational links, and to do your own research. As you will discover, the benefits of this utterly organic oil are as varied as they are extraordinary. Once you gain a comprehensive understanding of why so many savvy consumers have switched over, you may be surprised that you have suffered with unhealthy oils for so long.

How To Make The Good Quality Coconut Milk

How To Make The Good Quality Coconut Milk

Coconut milk recipes are easy to be gotten, in fact, you can make any foods or dishes use coconut milk. For your information, coconut milk is the white liquids like milk that can be gotten by squeeze the scraped coconut with add plenty water. Coconut milk can be used to make some salty foods or to make sweet dishes as the dessert. Not only that, coconut milk also can be used as the beauty treatment for women. It means that coconut milk contains good nutrition and can help your body to get enough vitamin and mineral. In this occasion, you are invited to see what kinds of coconut milk recipes and how to make the good quality coconut milk. As you know, the packaged coconut milk is not really good to be used because the vitamin and mineral inside the coconut milk has been disappeared because of the long production process.

Homemade Coconut Milk Recipes

Coconut Milk Recipes Before make a homemade and fresh coconut milk, you have to know and prepare the coconut milk recipes. What the substances that are needed? Firstly, to make the fresh coconut milk, it means you need the fresh coconut too. Make sure you choose the ripe coconut but still fresh to get its coconut milk. The green coconut usually produces the dirt coconut milk, whereas the red coconut can produce the coconut milk with florid color. It depends on your taste, if you want to make the clean dishes, it is better to use coconut milk from red coconut than the green one. However, if you need the coconut milk just for the sowing and mixture on cakes, choose the average coconut, it means don’t choose the too ripe or unripe coconut in order the taste is sweeter and has the nice aromatic. Besides the coconut flesh, you can use the coconut water as the additional ingredient to make the best quality coconut milk.

Organic Coconut Milk Recipes and Steps

Organic Coconut Milk RecipesIt repeats again, the coconut milk recipes consist of the coconut flesh itself, water, or you can use its coconut water for the strong smell of that coconut. Before it explains about the coconut milk steps, you need some tools, like knife, grater, or if you don’t want to grate the coconut flesh, you can use blender. Blender will ease you to grate the coconut because it will be automatically grated and your hand can be still clean. To get the coconut milk uses the traditional steps are very simple. Prepare the clean coconut flesh and make sure there is no husk is left in order you get the white and clean coconut milk later. Sometimes, it is difficult to grate the coconut because its texture is hard. To anticipate this difficulty, you can soak the coconut into the boiling water for minutes. And then, you can try to grate that soaked coconut, there is no requirement about the technique or grate. Don’t forget to mix the grated coconut with clean water then pressed manually using filter and the coconut milk recipes has become the coconut milk off the peg.

Coconut Oil Use

Coconut Oil Use

For generations, the remarkable benefits of coconut oil use have been enjoyed only by a particularly knowledgeable minority. Ironically, as health-conscious consumers increasingly bemoan the negative effects of hydrogenated oils, coconut oil has existed as a perfect solution all along. Fortunately, for the first time, any consumer can now learn the straight facts about this impressive substitute and easily acquire it from the comfort of her own home.

Most important, coconut oil has been shown to help prevent a wide range of serious diseases. Its natural vitamins and antioxidants enable it to help reduce the chances of heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis, just to name a few. Its lauric acid provides such powerful antimicrobial support that it is often added to infant formula to help replicate human milk.

Proper Coconut Oil Use

Proper coconut oil use depends on beginning with the purest possible product. While many coconut oils are manufactured using unnatural refinement and bleaching, only oil that has been cold-pressed and distilled centrifugally can honestly claim to provide the maximum health benefits. Happily, if you know where to look, you can now find coconut oil that meets this high and important standard.

Experts have long considered coconut oil the healthiest dietary oil in the world. With its capacity not only to confer amazing health benefits, but also to help you remove hydrogenated oils from your system, the choice is an easy one. The more you learn about this remarkable product, the less you'll consider ever going back to processed oils.

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2016

Uses For Coconut Oil

Many Uses For Coconut Oil

Uses for coconut oil? When I say "so many", I mean at least 52 or more! First of all, I'll go over how it can be used for beauty and body care. If internal and external, are many health benefits for the hair, skin, immune system, digestion and overall good health.

Coconut Oil Uses

Lately coconut oil is being praised for its many uses and benefits. Coconut oil can be used for nearly everything, though it is particularly useful for cooking and for natural beauty remedies. Coconut oil can be used as a healthier and tastier alternative to almost any other kind of cooking oil. Use it to fry eggs, pop stovetop popcorn, or use it in brownies and other sweet treats when baking. In addition, some oils can be dangerous to cook at high heat, and should be avoided as a result. However, coconut oil can safely be used for cooking at high temperatures. Coconut oil can also offer many beauty benefits for the hair and skin. Although many people shy away from putting oil on their skin, coconut oil is extremely light and moisturizing and doesn’t cause acne breakouts. As a result, it can be used as a moisturizer for dry skin on the face and body, or on hair to tame and prevent frizziness. Coconut oil can also be used as a natural makeup remover or as a moisturizing shaving lotion.
In addition to health and beauty benefits, coconut oil can be used for aromatherapy and as a natural protectant on top of small cuts and wounds. Coconut oils is an extremely versatile product, with a wide range of uses!
For beauty and personal benefits:

1. Eye Cream: Are you under and around the eyes to treat wrinkles
2. Moisturizer: Use as a moisturizer from head to foot throughout
3. Deo: Use alone or with baking soda
4. Hair Conditioner: and leave massage to the end, then wash out
5. After-Shave: healing and moisturizing
6. Make-up Remover: Dab around the face and eyes, rub, then rinse
7. Lip Balm: Moisturize lips
8. Toothpaste: Use alone or with baking soda
9. Massage Oil
10. Lubricant
11. Nipple Cream: For nursing mothers to help soothe
12. Body scrub: When mixed with sugar
13. Diaper Rash
14. Cradle cap: apply for Babies dry itchy scalp once a day
15. Cuts and scratches: accelerates the healing process
16. Bug bites: Stops the itching and burning
17. Conditions of the skin: eczema, eczema and psoriasis
18. Athlete's foot
19. Canker sores
20. Acne
21. Cellulitis
22. Herpes simplex
23. Genital warts
24. Insect Repellent: If mixed with peppermint oil

General Health and Wellness: ( Uses For Coconut Oil )

25. The body Helps to reduce fat and increase muscle mass
26. Improving the function of the thyroid gland
27. Digestion: protection against parasites that cause digestive problems
28. Aids in the absorption of vitamins and minerals
29. Stimulates metabolism
30. Gives you energy
31. Weight reduction
32. Cravings control
33. Nosebleed: When applied inside the nose helps protect the capillaries
34. Breastfeeding mothers can 3 1/2 El consume / day to enrich their milk.
35. Kill the Head Lice
36. Hemorrhoids
37. Hot Flashes
38. Painful menstruation
39. Migraine
40. Mononucleosis
41. Kill Parasites
42. Throttle
43. Relieving acid reflux
44. Alzheimer's disease
45. Ulcers: Kills the bacteria that causes them, H. pylori
46. Candida: Treats this yeast overgrowth responsible for weight gain and fatigue
47. High cholesterol: balances the good bad relationship
48. Chronic fatigue
49. Depression
50. Crohn's Disease: helps with inflammation
51. Improves blood circulation
52. Strengthens the immune system

I listed 52 uses for coconut oil. It can also be given as cats, dogs and ferrets to help her immune system. Actually, it is just as well as for us for them. Always slow Do it for your pets one, so you can adjust your body and make sure they are not allergic to it. The same is true for us humans. The recommended dose for our pets is 1/4 teaspoon for every 10 pounds of weight, twice daily.

The recommended dose for the health benefits of coconut oil for humans is about 100 pounds, then 2 1/2 tablespoons per day, more than 125 pounds, then 3 tablespoons per day, more than 150 pounds, then 3 1/2 tablespoons per day, and eventually over 175 pounds, then the recommended dose is 4 tablespoons per day. The type of organic coconut oil is use organic, certified, can only be found in an organic food store or online.

Thus article Uses For Coconut Oilmay be useful.

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2016

Coconut oil for Face Coconut Oil Acne

Coconut oil for FaceCoconut Oil Acne

Today let's talk about the use of coconut oil for acne. Here you can read what else is used coconut oil. Acne is a result of mixing natural sebum with dead skin cells and dirt. All that clog pores and cause acne and pimples. Most of the methods adopted to treat acne offer frequent washing face with soap, to remove grease and dirt, use creams that contains hydrogen peroxide or Salicylic acid, as well as reducing the amount of fat in the diet. But this is not always effective.

Coconut oil can be very effective in treating acne. Cleansing the skin from its natural fat causes that the skin begins to produce it even harder to keep the skin from dryness. Coconut oil moisturizes the skin and prevents peeling and reduces sebum. It also lubricates the pores, which prevents clogging. Furthermore, coconut oil contains Hyaluronic acid and Caproic. The skin bacteria are useful in transforming these acids and Monolaurin Monokaprin which possess antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties. These chemicals kill the bacteria that cause acne and helps to restore the natural acid balance of the skin.

Use of coconut oil in food enhances all of these external effects. Capric and Lauric acids are converted to antimicrobial compounds Monokaprin and Monolaurin in the digestive system and help reduce formation of acne from the inside. Vitamin E contained in coconut oil supports the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands of the skin and general health. Coconut oil acne is actually essential oil of ripe coconuts. It has been used for food for years and years; however, many people are unaware that they can use externally to treat acne, eczema, and other skin's Diseases.

Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Skin Care

Natural coconut oil is truly an amazing thing. Most people use coconut oil for cooking, as well as an ingredient in recipes, but we consider the possibility of using coconut oil outside the kitchen. Coconut oil is known as an effective folk remedy for acne. Coconut oil contains many beauty products, and even, in some cosmetic products. It has excellent quality and moisturize that is why it is often used as part of soap or lotion. Before you talk about how coconut oil helps the treatment and prevention of acne (pimples), we must first understand what coconut oils are most effective. If you decide to use coconut oil for face, you have to choose from a variety of organic oils coke that is suitable for your skin type. Suggested to use a natural coconut oil as a tonic, which you can get directly from a coconut purchased at the market or store.

Exactly How Coconut Oil Acne Treats Acne

The concept that the use of coconut oil acne in the pores and skin can help acne breakouts seems ridiculous at first – many acne sufferers want to have less oil on the skin. Coconut oil acne helps you to stop prevent the irritation and, therefore, it can treat acne breakouts.

All magic is in two essential fatty acids, lauric acid and capric acid. On human skin, they are changed to anti-bacterial and anti-viral ingredients. Simply. Coconut oil acne kills germs causing acne on the pores and skin, and the seeds removed there is nothing for your immune system to react as well as means less irritation and acne breakouts in you skin. Coconut oil acne is also full of vitamin E, which is a well-known and nutrients skin pores. Vitamin E helps to soothe irritation and tissue repair scare. Therefore, it does the same thing these expensive skin lotions claim they can do.

There were some arguments about the use of coconut oil acne that got some glimmering with coconut oil to treat flawless skin after acne while some acne breakout – suffered worse than before! What really happened?
Especially with the use of coconut oil acne treatment, creating certainly you use virgin coconut oil only as non-come do genic (i.e. it will not clog your pores). If you employ refined coconut oil acne, you have clogged pores worse.

Second, as coconut oil acne is a powerful toxin component in its oil structure, experience what we tend to commonly, for example, in acne treatment you will smooth skin in the primaries for days and days, but how detoxification penetrates result within the oil deeper into the skin and push the toxins to the surface, you will endure an acne outbreak; the worse might be before you apply coconut oil acne on your skin. Freak such unexpected “backfiring” You could figure out and make you believe that the coconut oil acne aggravates your acne problem, coconut oil acne, is naturally proved their effectiveness in flushing out the toxins that have been designed to for years under your skin.

There are many of toxins designed-up, the longer it will take to heal your acne-prone skin for. However, for individuals especially housewives or those who are at home it is good to know enough regarding the healing crisis in acne treatment with coconut oil acne, and besides, she can stay at home without showing faces outside, so they get to stay the top of the healing crisis and finally enjoy the end what virgin coconut oil acne to them – an acne free and flawless skin brings.

Here is a comment that I extracted from a forum on the arguments about the outbreak of acne, when using coconut oil acne treatment:

“The same factor happened to me with coconut oil acne. Began with immediate improvement and then got terrible acne for over 4 weeks. I stayed with him, and my skin is getting higher every day. I suppose I was the only reason why a lot of crap under my skin that it took a long time to delete it out. Now my pores are smaller than they had ever been, and for the last two weeks I have not new pimples and I’d have to go away quickly.”

There are some additional cases as those which are the $ 64,000-life experiences on the use of coconut oil acne treatment. So i recommend all of you to put a dab of coconut oil acne on the check within the elbow room first for the allergic reaction, sit for a whole day and watch for any unusual skin reaction. Allergy should take effect within a day. Honestly, allergy is rare on coconut oil acne as a result of coconut oil as hypoallergenic (low allergy-risk) foods is assessed. Several times a suspected Coconut oil acne is a reaction type rash nothing but the body of toxins, a cleansing reaction actually designate newly.

Internal Amazing Benefits

The actual amazing benefits of coconut oil acne are not limited to outdoor use. It is also a great friend in the kitchen. Coconut (and essential oil) and not only tasted great, but it could help acne breakouts as well as your all around health.

What I would suggest is, if you work in an environment where individuals make is inevitable and want to give coconut oil acne, natural shot increasing your acne problem, you just have a small amount every night before you sleep. Even at the outbreak, not so much you get to do seriously as several different people. And, in fact, the toxin tidying result may be slower, and the skin heals more slowly.
High, while the oil is detoxify your body throughout, eat fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of natural skin-useful nutrients. Cut meat recording to fully extend as meat tons of toxic substances produced just during the detoxification method, and contains the length of healing. Imagine if you delete the trash, but are dumping someone is a lot of garbage in the garbage, how fast you think you can empty the trash?

Additionally, you include exercise as part of your skin detoxification, sweat these toxins to reduce pimples (if any) support. And keep your stress level as low as potential as a stressful condition could trigger hormonal imbalance and lead to acne outbreak.

In other words, can you depend exclusively of coconut oil acne to treat it, but to support alternatives complementary actions to the detoxification process that are not running, you suffer a significant outbreak in all likelihood, take weeks and delay your healing process could.
Mainly based on my personal experiences with the use of coconut oil acne for my skin care, and I can proudly say that only coconut oil acne out particularly good at removing toxins to develop in my own skin. The question is, are you game enough to drive your skin Coconut oil acne take care of a natural cleanse and detox, where you get an outbreak before you get knowledge could be.

Coconut oil acne is not the alpha and omega all acne remedies. Make sure you remember that the rash is an internal problem. Clogged pores and acne are just a few features of much deeper problems (e.g. for levels of blood glucose variations and persistent inflammation). Coconut oil acne will not solve the main reason for acne breakouts, but it will help keep acne at bay as you fix the real problems.

Coconut Oil Acne | Coconut Oil Recipes

Coconut Oil Acne - How to use coconut oil for acne: is it good as a treatment?

"Use of Coconut oil acne" is one of the most popular subject that many people talk about it and say “yes it’s a good treatment” while few say “no”. Why this different response when use coconut oil for acne? In fact, coconut oil is an effective treatment for acne. However, it is far too much for some people to accept it because some of them suffer from acne breakout after using oil coconut.
How is it? so the following paragraph is from a veteran user of coconut oil she’ll explain this:

“FYI. Nut oil unrefined coconut, organic will not clog your pores. It actually opens them, releases and cleanses your skin all the toxins, which put in place for years. Take the advice of others, do your own research and never apply any skin product in your face before first test inside your elbow area. While you type things into Google, type “healing crisis” to understand why your skin make it worse before it can get better when using unrefined VCO. It is simply healing. It is detoxifying. It is rejuvenating. But this is the part, as shown in almost all previous comments, when people get scared and run back to commercial products supplied conceal, stifle, and continue storing and building more toxins. I have acne prone skin, I also suffer from rosacea and also have a lot worse before getting the young flawless looking skin. But you must be ready to go on the fire to get to the other side.“ (Coconut Oil Acne)

This is his commentary on one of the forums talking about the use of coconut oil for acne. To summarize what it says, as a beginner in the use of coconut oil for acne, rub a little coconut oil to the inside of your elbow to see if you are allergic to oil coconut or not (it’s almost as people have allergy with coconut oil).
Normally, an allergic reaction should occur within 24 hours. If you do not get any negative reaction, then start applying your acne affected area. But, apply a small amount at first for at least 7 days. And make sure you clean your face before applying the oil before bedtime. This will help the oil to penetrate your skin better.(Coconut Oil Acne)

After a week and if you get acne breakout using coconut oil instead of improving the condition of your skin, do not worry, it could probably be the detoxifying action of coconut oil acne that occurs, a recovery process (aka healing crisis).
Some people experience an escape for about 5 days before the skin begins to heal and closed pores, while some experience up to several weeks and another group experiences almost no discussion at all and fair skin obtained more and better. Everything depends on how much toxins you have stored under your skin over the years through the consumption of junk food and your unhealthy lifestyle.
To mitigate the small groups and help you heal faster, you need to consume the use of coconut oil acne by spoon on its own or that it in your meals.

You should start with 1 tsp.
Soup for 3 days and slowly increase to 3-4 times a day.
Then reduce your meat consumption.
Increase your fruit and vegetable intake which will provide beneficial nutrients to the skin to accelerate the recovery of your skin.
Oh, do not forget to drink enough water and exercise regularly to enhance the detoxification process.

Doing all these will complement your use of coconut oil acne on your prone skin more effectively and give you fresh skin like baby you lost long ago, and people will notice it quickly and ask how did you got it? then you just answer them and smile i got the use of coconut oil acne.

Senin, 22 Agustus 2016

Coconut Oil Is

Coconut oil For A Slim And Vital Body & Healthy Skin

Coconut oil is, as the name suggests, the oil or fat from the coconut. However, in contrast to all other vegetable oils, coconut oil is unique. It consists of 90% of healthy saturated fat, which is about 50% from medium chain fatty acids. Medium chain fatty acids are easily digested, since they require only minimal amounts of enyzmes from the pancreas and bile acid. 

For this reason, medium chain fatty acids are an ideal source of energy, as they not only provide quick energy, but are also still hardly stored as body fat. A special medium chain fatty acid from coconut oil is lauric acid. This fatty acid proven to strengthen the immune system and protects against bacterial and viral infections as well as against fungal diseases and other disorders. 

Coconut oil is a high quality and extremely valuable oil and should be in every kitchen and also bathroom cabinet. Due to the high proportion of medium chain fatty acids and saturated fatty acids, coconut oil is not prone to oxidation and does not become rancid. Therefore, it is the ideal roasting and frying fat, no trans-fatty acids such as occur, as is the case with other vegetable oils. 

Application in the healthcare sector:

As already mentioned coconut oil strengthens the immune system and has antibacterial, fungicidal and antiviral. Due to its special status as easily digestible energy suppliers also benefit diabetics. The blood sugar level is regulated thereby. 

A property of coconut oil, which make use of some overweight, the promotion of metabolism is by thyroid function is supported (Note: a healthy thyroid is essential for an effective acne treatment). When consuming coconut oil can lead to weight reduction. Excess calorie intake by coconut oil have no adverse effects on the weight of! It promotes besides, the digestion of nutrient absorption and helps with gastrointestinal disease, liver disease other Diseases.

Application in the cosmetic field:

In the article pimples on the scalp I have written that I coconut oil against these pimples on the scalp helps a lot and it will used in cosmetics industry due to its positive effects on the hair. Also my shed I can successfully fight with the coconut oil. 

Coconut oil is also a valuable skin care products by protecting the skin against drying, accelerates wound healing, keeps the skin soft and smooth and protects against premature wrinkling. 
I use the coconut oil even in dental care, as it helps against gingivitis and tooth decay. 

Coconut oil in the treatment of acne:

We come now but finally on the positive effects of coconut oil in an effective acne treatment. First of all, we have now learned that the inner intake of coconut oil acts antibacterial, anti-fungicidal and anti viral. Thus, the acne is from the inside fights (Note: The sole intake of coconut oil is not completely combat acne). 

This property can make in the external use to advantage. Yes, you heard right: you shall lubricate you oil on the skin. If the coconut oil on the skin, good microbes convert the medium chain fatty acids lauric acid and capric acid into monolaurin and monocaprin and thus replace the acid mantle on the skin. There is a reduction of microbial infections and acne is reduced.

Organic Coconut Oil For The Skin

Organic Coconut Oil For The Skin

Extra virgin organic coconut oil is very well suited because of its unique combination of active ingredients especially for the care of very dry skin. The unique ingredient complex of the tropical oil is especially recommended for sensitive and irritated skin. Cell renewal is stimulated and the skin is protected from free radicals. Redness, eg after a sun, are reduced and the skin is supplied with ample nutrients to counteract skin aging.
A teaspoon of coconut oil as bath oil dissolved in hot water nourishes the skin, regulates the moisture balance and gives your skin a silky feeling. Due to its molecular structure, the oil can be quickly absorbed by the skin and the moisturizing effect develops rapidly.

Even with acne, diaper rash, eczema and psoriasis coconut oil is said to have excellent repair properties. Here, however, a little patience is required because a success will come only after a certain time. Lauric acid contained in coconut oil, which is responsible for the activity against viruses, bacteria and fungi, dermatitis combat the long term from the inside out. An acne cures only after several applications and the skin may possibly worsen for a few days more. 

Since coconut oil comedogenic is said excess should be removed on the skin surface remaining grease with a clean cotton cloth or cosmetics to prevent clogging of the pores. The already drawn into the subcutaneous fat can now have its full effect.

After a shower or a bath coconut oil can be massaged into the slightly moist skin. Especially during pregnancy, this is an excellent way to prevent stretch marks. Since the oil is very productive, here goes a pinch of oil from perfect. Also footbaths with coconut oil are very popular because they revive and maintain stressed feet, dead skin cells dissolve and the feet are tender after many uses and smooth. Nail and foot fungus is counteracted.

When using the Tropics oil on cuts and abrasions the healing process is positively affected. It should be mentioned that only pure, natural and extra virgin coconut oil is rich in nutrients and antioxidants. With refined or deodorized products the important nutrients by the industrial treatment process are no longer available.


Organic coconut is also called virgin coconut oil. Organic coconut oil is not refined and is the purest from of coconut oil. Organic coconut oil helps to reduce the cholesterol level and thus prevents many heart disorders. Thyroid is among the vital organs of our body and helps to maintain the metabolic rate of our body.
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It helps in proper functioning of our body. Organic coconut oil helps in proper functioning of thyroid gland. Regular intake of organic coconut oil also helps to keep the sugar level of blood thus by preventing the problem of diabetes.

Organic coconut oil has large amount of nutrients which act as fuel for our body and provide us instant energy. Organic coconut oil has special fats which though provide energy but instead of adding to weight phenomenally helps in tumbling weight by burning excess of fats.

Organic coconut oil is responsible for maintaining healthy cholesterol charts in our body and it keeps the intestine fit and healthy. Organic coconut oil is one of the ingredients in our food that is helpful in promoting a healthy functioning of the immune system. The sugar levels in our blood are kept in check through the intake of organic coconut oil. The stomach metabolism and digestion gets enhanced with the intake of this oil.

Using Coconut Oil

Using Coconut Oil - Things To Know Before Using Coconut Oil

The enthusiasm about the benefits of coconut oil seems unstoppable without signs of dipping, since someone unlocks its enormous healing power locked up in the dark after years of being. Thousands of people who use it have benefited from it. But as a newbie to coconut oil, I would not recommend you jump right into the pool before learning about some hard facts about coconut oil and swimming is to the same effect as to start the other.

However, there are some coconut oil users who only get the negative effects of coconut oil instead of seeing positive. Even when I was just starting out (I'm now an authentic coconut oil fanatic) I was so careful in the administration of the dosage until I feel safe and comfortable with the amount I consume.
Because I know exactly what it can do for your health and about my personal close contact with this liquid diamond skin, take a serious look at these facts coconut oil, so that you know exactly how to take advantage of maximum health out of it and use it to assess the impact of the aging of the skin to reverse.

Coconut Oil Facts :

Fact # 1 - Benefits of coconut oil

Coconut oil you will benefit more opportunities than any other vegetable oils in the world. It protects you apart against different types of bacteria, viruses, fungi by ribs it. It keeps you free from constipation, helps you to burn more fat with its thermogenic effect, and prevent colon, breast and other types of cancers. Also, your skin moisturized and effectively reduces many acne-prone skin so far.
It locks the protein in your hair, so that your not so easily lose hair protein in that it silky and dazzling with shine. Have dandruff problem? Coconut oil will get rid of you!

Fact # 2 - Disadvantages coconut oil

It would be idealistic to coconut oil without a single defective happy to say. In fact, if you eat too much of it can take as your body instead of cure of constipation, it can trigger diarrhea-like symptoms instead - the opposite reaction. So, you increase its intake gradually until your body get used to their nutritional effect.
When applied to your acne-prone skin, because of its detoxifying super power, occur due to an outbreak of toxin tidying effect before getting a flawless skin. Are you game enough to try coconut oil?

Fact types # 3 - Coconut Oil

Most people only know about 2 types of coconut oil - ie virgin and RBD (refined, bleached and odorless). In fact, there are 2 more types that you should know-fractionated and hydrogenated. Virgin coconut oil rests with the best quality among his family because of his cold-pressing extraction method. Unlike olive oil virgin coconut oil is the same as virgin coconut oil. No difference.

RBD coconut oil is another type produced for those who dislike the natural coconut flavor but still want to use coconut oil super nutritional. The purchase of this refined oil to make sure that it comes so pure without hydrogenation, because hydrogenation can produce trans-fatty acids that can harm your health very badly.
As just mentioned above hydrogenation should not buy hydrogenated oil for your consumption or skin care. It is dangerous for your health and clog the pores. Again, you instead go with virgin wants to better health and skin.

As for fractionated coconut oil, it is mainly in beauty, skin care and massage industry. But I use virgin coconut oil for all purposes - be it skin care, beauty, massage, diet, etc. as virgin coconut oil contains the most nutrients in its most natural form. But of course it will cost to most.

In short ...

These facts coconut oil serve to give you a basic idea of what you should expect to use coconut oil as a product for health and skin. But what you see here is just a tip of the iceberg of the health benefits of coconut oil. I encourage you to explore and discover more details about it before you start feeding the first teaspoon into the mouth. Knowledge is not only important to take you to wealth, but if used properly, it'll bring you long-term health as well.

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2016

Coconut Oil Uses Tips | Blog Coconut Oil Recipes

COCONUT OIL - TIPS Coconut Oil Uses

(Coconut Oil Recipes) - Coconut oil for beauty, personal care and medicine cabinet. Buy coconut oil is becoming more popular. It is celebrated even as the rising star in the world of such foods that have special health benefits.

See more about: Coconut Oil Acne.

Coconut Oil Uses IN MANY WAYS :
In more and more households belonging to high-quality organic coconut oil to the basic equipment in the kitchen. However can coconut oil not only for the refinement of food at cooking and baking , but are still used much more diverse - namely, as an important part of the medicine cabinet as well as in the natural body care from humans and animals.


Apply coconut oil to cuts and abrasions. It provides reliable protection due to its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effect against infection and simultaneously support the natural healing process of the skin, coconut oil reduces scarring or even completely prevented.

Coconut Oil Uses : 2. COCONUT OIL FOR DANDRUFF :

Gently massage a few times a week some coconut oil with your fingertips into your scalp. Even the smallest amounts sufficient to reliably rid the scalp of dandruff. This effective and gentle method is also suitable for babies or toddlers with cradle cap.

Coconut Oil Uses : 3. COCONUT OIL AS A DEODORANT :

Use coconut oil without any additives as a deodorant . It gives your shoulders a velvety feeling. If you additional a little baking soda and add cornstarch, so you get an effective and lasting protection against odors.


Coconut oil nourishes the skin and has antibacterial and mold resistant, soda absorbs odors, and corn starch absorbs moisture. An ideal mix of thinking for effective and reliable deodorant. In addition, as desired essential oils can be added to bring the more completely individual properties with it. Lavender and tea tree oil, for example, act antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal.


  • 1/4 cup liquid organic coconut oil (melted in a water bath) - corresponds to about 4 tablespoons of solid coconut oil
  • 1/4 cups of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) - in the U.S. is called "Baking's soda", but has little to do with the usual baking soda in Europe. The latter contains additives during Baking's soda is pure bicarbonate of soda. For the production of deodorants no European baking powder, but pure baking soda should be used!
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 10 drops of an essential oil to your preference (eg lavender, tea tree, lemon, etc.)

  • Soda and cornstarch mix in a bowl. The melted coconut oil and essential oils to give and mix well. Before the mixture is firm, pour into a glass vessel. Daily with a spatula remove a small amount, let it melt in your hands and "lotion" shoulders so.


Numerous methods for the detoxification of the body are known.However, the effect of coconut oil is unique. It provides energy and simultaneously cleans the body. A good and popular application possibility is to take one to two teaspoons of coconut oil seven times a day over a period of one to seven days to himself. Thus, the body of impurities, toxins and parasitic fungi (is Candida albicans ) cleaned.
During this detox, you should at least once daily, for example, a spoon with healing earth bentonite assume that absorbs the released toxins and facilitates the excretion thereof.

Coconut Oil Uses : 5. COCONUT OIL AS A HAIR RINSE :

Gently massage before shampooing a thin layer of coconut oil into your scalp and hair leave the coconut oil for a few minutes and then wash your hair as usual. It is soft and shiny. In this way, you can click the usual conditioners - even after washing the hair with shampoo - totally unimportant.

Coconut Oil Uses : 6. COCONUT OIL AS LIP CARE :

Lips need natural care. Many conventional lip care products dry the lips out in the long run and make them thus more and more addicted to lip balm. Just use coconut oil as an optimal lip care. You can use the oil to pour into a small Tiegelchen and have it so close at hand.


Also for removing make-up coconut oil can be used very effectively. To avoid using products with chemical additives from the drugstore. In addition, coconut oil is a natural moisturizer, so it causes no drying and no irritation of the skin.


Coconut oil does not only create highly effective care, but also moisture. It simultaneously creates an environment in which bacteria and fungi do not feel well. Inflammation and fungal infections of the soil are robbed. Coconut oil is thus a completely non-irritating healing and care products for many skin problems. You can order it from acne ,eczema use with diaper rash and also in babies.
The lauric acid contained in coconut oil acts namely, according to the study The antimicrobial activity of liposomal lauric acids against Propionibacterium aces antimicrobial against Propionibacterium acne,the bacterium that can cause inflammatory acne.

Coconut Oil Uses : 9. COCONUT OIL AS A SUNSCREEN :

Coconut oil offers effective and natural sun protection. Your body is neither toxic chemicals nor with metal particles in nano size in contact that are routinely included in most conventional sunscreens. Coconut oil protects against free radicals and builds increased protection against skin cancer on.

Coconut Oil Uses : 10. COCONUT OIL AS TOOTHPASTE :

You want a natural, fluoride-free and affordable toothpaste ? Make your toothpaste but yourself Mix them with equal amounts of coconut oil and baking soda. Look for something sweet xylitol or stevia and add something essential for the fresh taste of mint oil.


If you rub your dog every morning with coconut oil, then avoid him fleas and mostly also ticks . Initially appearing greasy film disappears after a short time. Your four-legged friend will receive there by healthily and shiny coat, and existing skin problems disappear.
Add coconut oil so far infected more than is visible at first glance. It will serve you not only in the frying pan, but in many areas of everyday life valuable services.


Coconut oil consists mainly of medium-chain triglyceride fats. These triglyceride fats have the perfect molecular structure to quickly penetrate into the scalp and hair follicles and then efficiently enhance the nutrient supply. One of the main fats in coconut oil is lauric acid.The lauric acid in coconut oil for hair loss The microflora on the scalp interacts with the lauric acid to form monolaurate, which has very effective anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and may destroy as many forms of Candida and other infectious agents that affect the formation of hair follicles. These stable MCTs act as a natural antioxidant and protect the follicles from the damage caused by free radicals and hair loss.